Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Fairies

Robert Anning Bell, via Wikimedia Commons

They travel in air,
their wings like glass,
you won't see one
as you pass through the grass.
From the meadows they rise
and enter the skies
watching for treasure below
(take care where you go).
To fairies' glens be gentle and kind
listen to all the strange music you find.
                                                                  And don't loose your money--
                                                                 they use dimes and nickels for tiny round doors
                                                                 and they'll fold up the bills for a rug on their floors.
Puss 'n Boots -Gertrude Jekyll 1868

Puss 'n Boots  was rather proud
His howl was rude and loud
He'd strut the streets with a noble air

He was boastful, bold, without a care.

Cunning is but a skill--
choose wisely what you will
for it was Puss's noble heart
that gave us friendship as an art