Sunday, November 14, 2010

Miss Fancy Mouse Visits the House

Ms.Fancy Mouse visits the House

I'm so glad you've come to tea
with your fire-red boa and purple plume hat,

no one could mistake this Miss Mouse,
for a lowly common rat.

I'm so glad you've come to tea--
you dress up the place you see,

with your green leather purse,
and your visits to the nurse.

You say your health has gotten worse?
Oh dear, I hope it not infectious!

Sit, you'll find the soup delicious.
I'm so glad you've come to tea.

How on earth did you catch it?
You sat beneath a toadstool and were bitten by a flea!

A tragic story, I see why it is you cry.
Let's sip our tea and dwell on matters happy by and by.


signed...bkm said...

Delightful...just caught you as I posted the new one...I can just here this glad to see you Monday's Child...blessings...bkm

Cad said...

If this is a tragic TAIL it doesn't show!! LOL

If you like mice, you might enjoy another sad tale HERE...or not!

Deborah said...

I loved this and I loved ... bitten by a flea! it made me smile .. wonderful :o)

Anonymous said...

Sooo sweet!

Short Poems said...

Lovely... it made me smile :)

Jinksy said...

I've had toadstools on my lawn recently, but a bit too small for me to sit under! :)